HKUST SuperPOD - A TensorFlow Example

Example TensorFlow:

1.  In the first terminal

  • Run an interactive job in gpu node using srun. Supply your project group name and the partition (e.g. normal ) going to use.
    srun --partition normal --account=<yourgroupname> --gres=gpu:2 --pty $SHELL
  • Note the DGX node name dgx-26 in the above example.


2.  (Skip if not using container)Create Tensorflow image if it is not available.

apptainer pull tensorflow:23.11-tf2-py3.sif docker://


3.  (Skip if not using container)Run tf image and mount your directory preferred to a mount point in container. In this example, we map our own scratch space to /scratch in container( /scratch does not need to already exist in the container)

apptainer run -B /scratch/yournetid:/scratch  --nv tensorflow:23.11-tf2-py3.sif


4.  Type: jupyter-lab --allow-root --ip=''


5.  Mark the token for the second terminal


6.  Open another terminal to do second login. Do port mapping between compute node and your host, replace -xx with number. For our case should be dgx-26

ssh yournetid@superpod -L 8888:dgx-xx:8888


7.  Open the browser in your local workstation and type “


8.  Done.