Classroom A/V System and Presentation PC
Teaching venues managed by ITSC are equipped with digital A/V Systems and Presentation PC for teaching and presentation purposes.
Teaching venues managed by ITSC are installed with digital A/V systems. These digital A/V systems support modern notebooks with HDMI or VGA as well as iPad for wireless screen mirroring connections. The PC provided in each of the teaching venues is installed with a set of core application software. Faculty members have the option to install their teaching software in their own Virtual Desktop infrastruture (VDIT).
Available To
Students, Faculty and Staff Members
Service Fee
Service Hours
Whenever there is class or event.
Getting Started
- List of all Central Managed A/V Classrooms
- List of Specific Equipment Available in Venues
- Lecture Theaters
- Classrooms, Main Campus
- Classrooms, Cheng Yu Tung Building
- Classrooms, Lee Shau Kee Campus
- Distribution of Ceiling Mic and Mic4Me in Central Classrooms
- Classroom Teaching Facilities
- Core Application Software List
- New Revamps to Classrooms (Sept-2021)
Learn More
Please ensure you observe the Intellectual Property Ordinance when using audio-visual facilities.
- Do not show materials that you know or have reason to believe infringes copyright
- Obtain authorization from the copyright owner before showing any copyrighted materials