Access guideline to student account for teaching course

Please take the below notes for the information different to the other accounts in HKUST SuperPOD.

Resources granted for student accounts

  • Default home directory storage – 200GB

  • Other storage (e.g. scratch) is arranged per the course requirement

Resource limitation of student accounts

  • A usage quota in term of GPU hours is imposed on this account.
  • If the usage has exceeded this limit, the running job will be terminated by the system and no further job can be submitted. You are advised to plan carefully before submitting job and monitor the job to avoid wastage of the quota.
  • The use of HKUST SuperPOD is strictly limited to coursework of teaching course only.

Usage reporting tool

This script generates a report of GPU usage on HKUST SuperPOD for students. It provides a detailed breakdown of GPU hours used by account and partition, for tracking and managing resource utilization.


python [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-S START] [-E END] [-A ACCOUNT]


  • -h, --help: Show the help message and exit
  • -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME: Username to check usage for (optional)
  • -S START, --start START: Start date for the report (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • -E END, --end END: End date for the report (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • -A ACCOUNT, --account ACCOUNT: Specific account to check (optional)

Default Behavior

  • If no dates are specified, the report will cover the current month (from the 1st to the current date)
  • If no username is specified, it will use the current user
  • Unless granted special permission, the user can only see the usage of itself


Sample Output

(base) username@slogin-01:~/projects/slurm-helper-scripts$ python

Using current user: username
Warning: Report includes today's date. Some very recent jobs may not be included due to accounting delays.
For most accurate results, wait a few minutes and run the report again.

GPU Usage report from 2024-09-01 to 2024-09-10
│    Account     │        Partition Details        │  Usage (GPU Hours)   │
│ username       │ ┌───────────┬───────────────┐   │         0.05 / 30.00 │
│                │ │ Partition │   GPU Hours   │   │                      │
│                │ ├───────────┼───────────────┤   │                      │
│                │ │ normal    │          0.05 │   │                      │
│                │ └───────────┴───────────────┘   │                      │

Generate a report for the current user for the current month:


Generate a report for a specific date range:

python -S 2024-09-01 -E 2024-09-10


Seeking help?

If you need to seek help, please check out the following contact points for different kinds of question:

  • For administrative questions related to your account, please contact your school administrator
  • For questions related to your coursework, please contact your instructor or teaching assistance of your course
  • For problems accessing SuperPOD, please contact