Launch SMS campaign

Launch SMS campaign

  1. Ensure your SMS campaign complies with the Personal Data (Privacy) (Amendment) Ordinance
  2. Browse to
  3. Login to the SMS gateway with the registered account.
  4. Enter/Upload the phone list.
    Phone list remark is optional.
    Click the "Upload" button to upload the phone list.

  5. Enter the phone list ID by clicking "select the phone list"
    Enter the SMS message. 
    Choose Sender ID option and, optionally, add a campaign remark for easy identification.
    Read the declaration and check the box.
    Launch the SMS campaign now by "LAUNCH NOW" button or at a scheduled time by "SCHEDULE" button

  6. Confirm the campaign


View existing campaign

  1. After confirming the campaign, you may click "View existing Campaign"(on the right side) to view its status.

  2. You will see the status as "WAIT FOR SENDING".

  3. After the SMS campaign is done, the status will be "FINISH".



  • Before sending large amount of SMS messages, it's strongly recommended to send a test message to verify the content and format.
  • The service is backed by a prepaid account. If there is plan to send more than 5000 sms a time, please check with us to ensure that sufficient account balance is available.
  • Content sent to China number requires pre-registration with Chinese telecom authorities to ensure delivery. It usually takes one business day to process. Contact us for details.
  • SMS will normally be sent out within minutes but large batch of sms may take over an hour to completely deliver.
  • The maximum length of a message is 160 characters, or 70 characters if Chinese characters included. Newline is counted as 2 characters.
  • Embedded url link should be separated from preceding and trailing content with space or line break. This helps mobile phone to parse it properly.
  • Message content is limited to the following characters:
    • Alphabet a-z, A-Z
    • Digit 0-9
    • Symbols
    . , / : ; & @ ( ) _
    • Chinese characters
    • Chinese symbols