Starting August 19, 2020, the certificate authority (CA) used in this service is no longer able to issue SSL server certificates with two-years validity due to an industry-wide security requirement set by Apple and Google, stating that any two-year SSL certificate issued after August 30, 2020 will be distrusted in their browsers.
The service still offers two-years SSL certificates option for application but the certificate is only valid for 398 days. You will need to re-issue the certificate to use remaining days when the time is up. You will get an email reminder when it's time and use the same request form below to re-issue the certificate of remaining days.
Getting started
To request an SSL certificate, follow these steps:
- Register your hostname in DNS
- Generate a CSR (Certificate Signing Request). (see instruction)
Note: The service only supports 2048-bit keys. CSRs signed with 1024-bit keys will not be accepted. - Store your key in a safe and secure location.
- Complete the online request form. The request will be forwarded to the Cyber Security Coordinator of requested department for reference.
We’ll send you the certificate through email once the certificate has been issued.
Certificate Renewal or Reissue
The process for certificate renewal or reissue is exactly the same as for requesting a new certificate. User is required to resubmit the CSR using the online request form.